About the subject of books of deísts written in Spanish I can tell you there are several authors who has been translated inro the language . In what I know: Locke, Voltaire, Lessing, Rousseau and probably another ones. It is logic, for many great philosophers has been deísts. I also know that there are works on history of deism.
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G. E. Lessing is a great writer of literature and philosophy (XVIII century). In what I know, some of his literary works have translated and published in Spanish (Nathan...) On Philosophy have been published "Laocoonte"(about Esthetic) and one volume about diverse philosophical subjects such as Theology or Philosophy of Religion ("Escritos filosóficos y teológicos", philosophical and theological writings, translated into English). His complete work is published in German. There are academic publications about him in Spanish.
The most important works written by Rousseau are published in Spanish: "Emilio" (Emile),"Confesiones" (Confessions), "El Contrato Social" (The Social Contract), "Discurso sobre el origen y el fundamento de la desigualdad entre los hombres"(Discourse on the origin and the foundations of inequality among men), "Las ensoñaciones de un paseante solitario" (The reveries of a solitary walker), the roman "La nueva Eloísa" (Julie, or the new Heloise). The complete work of these deíst philosopher is published in French. His contribution to the contemporary thought is great.
I have looked into translations into Spanish language of the works of English deists of XVII century (Herbert de Cherbury,Tindal, Toland..), but I have not found anything. It is probable there aren't, although there are a few academic works about some of them. Nevertheless, the works of these modern pioneers are available in English language.
Anthony Flew was a academic philosopher who made a convertion from atheism to belief in God. There are several books by him published in English language. Translated into Spanish language I have found "Dios y la Filosofía" y "Dios existe" (There is a God). Anthony Flew died in XXI century.
"Age of reason"(La Edad de la Razón)," Common sense" (Sentido Común)" Rights of Man" (Los derechos del hombre), all of them by Thomas Payne, are translated into Spanish Language and are easily available
I have looked into the work of Voltaire. I found the complete work in English language and the oeuvres completes in French. In Spanish language there is not published the obra completa yet, but there is some edition called collected works of Voltaire and Diderot in Latin America ("Obras escogidas" de Voltaire y Diderot). Nevertheless, important philosophical works of the author are translated into Spanish and easily avaliable as "Tolerance Treatise" (Tratado de la Tolerancia) or "Candide" (Cándido).