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In the fifth chapter of Mark, we read a strange story of the devil getting into the swine after he had been turned out of a man, and as...
Thomas Paine
Jul 11, 20211 min read
Biblical Anachronism
In addition to the judicious remarks in your twelfth number, on the absurd story of Noah's Flood, in Genesis vii, I send you the...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 11, 20218 min read
Of The Books of the New Testament, Address to the Believers in the Book Called the Scriptures
The New Testament contains twenty-seven books, of which four are called Gospels; one called the Acts of the Apostles; fourteen called the...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 11, 20212 min read
Of The Old and New Testament
Archbishop Tillotson says: "The difference between the style of the Old and New Testament is so very remarkable, that one of the...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 20217 min read
Inquiring Into the Truth or Falsehood of Religion
It has been customary to class history into three divisions, distinguished by the names of Sacred, Profane, and Ecclesiastical. By the...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 20212 min read
Of Cain and Abel
The story of Cain and Abel is told in Genesis iv. Cain was the elder brother, and Abel the younger, and Cain killed Abel. The Egyptian...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 20213 min read
The Tower of Babel
The story of the tower of Babel is told in Genesis xi. It begins thus: "And the whole earth [it was but a very little part of it they...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 202112 min read
A Discourse at the Society of Theophilanthropists
RELIGION has two principal enemies, Fanaticism and Infidelity, or that which is called Atheism. The first requires to be combated by...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 20213 min read
Remarks on R. Hall's Sermon
The preacher of the foregoing sermon speaks a great deal about infidelity, but does not define what he means by it. His harangue is a...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 202140 min read
Extract From a Reply to the Bishop of Llandaff From Thomas Paine
The bishop says, "the oldest book in the world is Genesis." This is mere assertion; he offers no proof of it, and I go to controvert it,...
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Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 202166 min read
Old Testament Prophesies About Jesus Proven False
Tune in your television to any of the Bible preaching stations clogging the air waves. You're bound to encounter, not only as Bono of U-2...
1,409 views0 comments
Thomas Paine
Jul 10, 20212 min read
Biblical Blasphemy
The Church tells us that the books of the Old and New Testament are divine revelation, and without this revelation we could not have true...
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Bob Johnson
Jul 9, 20216 min read
Billy Graham Helped Deism!
In the November 13, 1995 issue of Christianity Today, page 31, we read, "Questions about the authority of Scripture had been troubling...
1,893 views8 comments
Bob Johnson
Jul 9, 20213 min read
Is The Bible's God a Communist?
Most Christian fundamentalists are fervent anti-Communists. But can the same be said about their god? Let us open our Bible to Acts 4:34...
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Bob Johnson
Jul 9, 20213 min read
Bible Monsters
This page has received a lot of attention from revealed religionists who tell me it is inaccurate. It seems they've looked up the Bible...
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World Union of Deists
Jul 8, 20214 min read
Take and Give the Bible Test
It has been reported in the mainstream media recently that people are Biblically illiterate. A case is being made to offer Bible studies...
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Jayson X
Jul 8, 20219 min read
Bible Problems
I used to be a devout Christian and an Eastern Orthodox Christian priest, and, as such, I was convinced that every assertion in the Bible...
1,347 views0 comments
Stephen Van Eck
Jul 8, 20215 min read
Recognizing the Christian Trap and Dissecting Christianity's Mind-Snaring System
While Judaism was never a proselytizing religion, contenting itself with born adherents (and as Thomas Paine wrote in The Age of Reason,...
3,604 views5 comments
Jesse Woody
Jul 6, 20212 min read
Why Deism? From Baptist to Embracing Nature's God as a Deist
I wasn't born into a Christian family. Many of my relatives on my father's side were devout Southern Baptists. At any early age, while...
445 views1 comment
Jul 6, 20212 min read
Why Deism? From Christian to Deist
To tell you the truth, I don't know exactly how I came to know about Deism. I do remember that I was on the internet doing research on...
362 views0 comments
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