I believe that our Beautiful Earth, The Blue Marble, is the most wonderful beautiful Gift from a Creator who must love us immensely. I get confused when I hear religious people talk about going up there to Heaven. It must be many light years away because no one has ever seen it, unless of course they died and went there.
This place called Heaven has a great attraction. I spoke with a Chritian woman and in the conversation I asked what is a Rapture. She said “I just know Rapture is coming soon”. I asked her, what is a Rapture (sounds like some kinda Dinasaurer to me or place where young people gather to do drugs and make fools of themselves..). She said, the day will come and we will rise to meet Jesus in Heaven and it will be so wonderful. I asked her what would you do, sit around on a cloud all day strumming on a harp? I said you have a great family. A good Husband and four wonderful children? She said we will all be together someday in Heaven.
I have no desire to go to their Heaven. In Their Heaven you just exist, play harps sitting on a cloud, no Illnesses, you have a mansion and streets of Gold.
But what they Heaven doesn’t have are problems. They will never know the feeling of accomplishment you feal when you work so hard and your work comes to fruition. The great feeling of saying, I did it, they told me it couldn’t be done but I did it.
I do believe in a Creator who caused the Universe to become and all that’s in it including us Humans. I believe my Creator put me here to enjoy the beauty and add to his creation right here on Earth. We had to fight hard over a long period of time, to come from prehistoric times until today. We did improve till the world until began to fill up. What we have here on Earth, that they don’t have in Heaven, are we have to work every day, contend with problems in our lives, we have to grow a family to better enjoy the fruits of our labor building our life and fortunes and raising kids to work hard, have goals and accomplish everything you can because is accomplishment is the greatest feeling in the world.
i also believe that our Creator may well give each individual what they believed in on Earth. If you believe in Heaven it awaits you so you may live there for eternity.
For myself, I Will opt for a different plan. When my body can longer function (i.E. die) my soul will leave my body and return to my Creator for a bit and then send my soul back to earth and into a new body. I don’t know what race, ethnicity or sex I will return as, I am hoping to return as a male, in America. The moral of this story is you better be nice as much as possible, to all races, ethnicities and sexes. Because you will return as one of them. If we work hard with one another, the evil of racism will finally be gone.
I believe in the afterlife. I believe that NDEs can provide clues in some way. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with believing in the afterlife, the problem is when this belief is exploited by dogmatists to say what is right and wrong, to punish natural behaviors such as homosexuality or similar things.
Everybody's idea of heaven I'm sure is different. And if you're going by the biblical subscription of heaven in the Holy Bible I therefore do not believe it exists for it was written by man supposedly inspired by the word of God. So in that respect after reading the Bible several times the end looking for pros and cons against the Bible and of Christianity itself along with reading about Judaism, Islam Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoasterism & Jainism + many others I have since you could say d converted from being raised Catholic in which my family were not die hard core followers but felt like that's what we were to do. Indoctrination can do wondrous things and bad things it wasn't until about 10 years ago I finally got tired of people telling me what to believe so I searched out on my own. Along with that I do not believe there is God of the Bible as written and what's therefore the description of heaven does not coincide with mine but the ideas do. Now it may not be heaven as you think in the biblical sense but you could call it paradise as it's also called I therefore believe we when we die our soul or our essence of us goes into another dimension of sorts but in the realm of theism, I believe for the lack of a better word a supernatural being or some sort or something started creation and then walked away and me, just May interfere or show its presence in various ways but I do not believe they are actively involved every day or it is involved everyday as you are led to believe in many revealed religions.