A connection between humans and a deity can be explained as follows :
We have two existences, one being physical and the other being non-physical. Matter cannot exist in a non-physical existence. Whatever the Cause was that created the laws of physics for our Physical world, may also have made rules for the non-physical world.
One Example would be, that Beings from the non-physical world can exist in the physical existence but nothing material can exist in the non-physical world . The Creator's purpose for this would be the ability for the Creator to communicate with Beings He sends into the physical world. Those Beings are our Souls.
Then a Soul will connect to the miracle we know as the Human body. At the moment that the fetus is slapped by the doctor and takes its first breath, it is a Human Being.
The only way we can explain creation is if there are two existences. One existence is non-physical, and one existence is physical, so where do these two existences reside? I think it would have to be within a closed system. The closed system is completely non-physical. The non-physical system contains pure consciousness and that consciousness is a self-aware Being, which is the soul and mind of the Creator.The entire Universe may be contained within the Mind of the Creator.
This would explain why we look to the Big Bang as the beginning of our Universe. The Creator may have come up with the idea of creating a big bang by creating a great amount of matter/energy and compressing it into the infinite, unimaginably small, dimensionless dot that scientists agree did exist. At some point the compression reached a point where it began to move outward in all directions at an explosive rate, exceeding the speed of light. Scientists account for this Violation of the speed of light by noting that the fabric of space moving outward, propels any objects within that space to appear to move at the increased speed, its own speed added to the speed of the expansion.
The Universe began, within the environment of the non-physical existence, that is because anything Physical would be disintegrated if it tried to cross the boundary of our Universe and enter into the Non-physical existence of our Creator, where the Laws of Physics do not allow matter to exist, the boundary of the non-physical existence may be infinite or just the point where nothing exists. Nothing comes from nothing so beyond the non-physical existence is precisely that, nothing, unless the Creator choses to create further. If I am correct, the Universe is encompassed by a non-physical existence where our Creator exists.
If we are created in the image of our Creator, that would be a spiritual image commonly known as a Soul. This is a contradiction of revealed religions' idea that the image of God is physical, not spiritual. In addition, with our creation being in the image of the Creator means we have the same mental powers as the Creator only at much lower power levels. This means we can think in the abstract. Abstract thinking and concrete thinking are two types of thought processes. Concrete thinking focuses on things that are real and tangible, while abstract thinking is a higher-level mode of thinking that involves processing theoretical concepts and allows us to make connections and see patterns. This allows us to make improvements in the World the Creator has given us. I think that is the what our Creator wants us to do. It is the reason we are here. Couldn’t the Creator simply have changed things after the fact of his Creation? I think not. I think he would want us to feel how great it is to Accomplish something of value that benefits many.